2023 UGA Field Trip - Great Salt Lake and Bonneville Salt Flats

 Registration is closed for this event
Great Salt Lake and Bonneville Salt Flats

The 2023 UGA field trip, co-sponsored by the Utah Geological Survey, will provide a grand overview of issues related to Great Salt Lake and the Bonneville Salt Flats in northwest Utah. The focus will be on the geology/hydrology of these systems, but will also include discussion of biological aspects (microbialites, wetlands, etc.), as well as human impacts to these fragile biogeochemical systems.

Day 1Circumnavigation of the South Arm of GSL

Trip leader: Michael Vanden Berg, UGS, with additional experts including Andrew Rupke (UGS; mineral
extraction), Elliot Jagniecki (UGS; mirabilite and lake chemistry), Becka Downard (UGS; wetlands), etc.

  • GSL Marina, mirabilite springs and crystallization
  • Pleistocene tufas/travertines and microbialites at Lakeside
  • A trip across the railway causeway, stopping at the breach
  • Promontory Point: “megapolygons”, microbialites, GSL’s mineral industry
  • GSL Shorelands Preserve: wetlands, birds, plants, etc.

Day 2Bonneville Salt Flats

Trip leader: Jeremiah Bernau, formally UGS

  • Knolls sand dunes
  • Juke Box trench
  • Juke Box Cave and Danger Cave
  • Salt Flats
  • Silver Island Mountains


  • Friday, October 20, and Saturday, October 21, 2023 (overnight accommodations are NOT included)
  • 7:30 am to ~6:00 pm each day
  • Start/end: Utah Core Research Center (UCRC) 240 Redwood Rd., Salt Lake City, UT 84116
  • Continental breakfast, lunch, snacks, drinks, field trip guide, and transportation included.
  • No discount for single-day participation
  • Registration deadline – Friday, October 13 (Limit of 26 participants)
  • Cancel by October 6 for full refund, by October 17 for 50% refund; no refund after October 17


  • UGA Members – $120
  • Non-UGA Members – $150 (includes 1-year UGA membership)
  • Students (limit 10) – $20 (includes 1-year UGA student membership)
October 20th, 2023 7:00 AM to October 21st, 2023 6:00 PM
240 Redwood Rd.
Utah Core Research Center (UCRC)
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
United States
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Event Fee(s)
Event Fee(s)
UGA Member Registration $120.00
Non-UGA Member Registration $150.00
Student Registration $20.00