Utah Geological Association Field Trip: The Green River Formation and the Uinta Basin


You're invited to join the Utah Geological Association for the 2021 core workshop and field trip to the Uinta Basin. Attendees will spend ½ day studying central Uinta Basin cores at the Utah Core Research Center in Salt Lake City, followed by 2 ½ days of field study of the outstanding outcrop exposures of the Eocene Green River Formation and other Paleogene strata.

The Green River Formation has been widely studied for paleoclimate insights and contains important hydrocarbon reservoirs. Attendees will learn about the global climate regime and regional tectonic setting that controlled Paleogene sediment delivery to the Uinta Basin, and will also assess geologic factors that impact hydrocarbon production.

Cost: $320 UGA members, $50 students

Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/uga-field-trip-the-green-river-formation-and-the-uinta-basin-tickets-163907021313